Different Strokes For Different Folks

Written By: LJ

Kaylan shifted and glanced up at the man sitting at the other end of the table. He hated writing lines, even more so when sitting on a sore bottom. A moment of carelessness had landed him in this particular situation and he begrudgingly acknowledged it was his own fault. That certainly didn’t make him any happier about it.

“Ah, Chancey?” he ventured in a tentative voice. Encouraged by the smile sent his way, Kaylan daringly asked what had been playing on his mind the last little while. “I know you had a Brat named Peter, but I was curious if you’ve had another between him and me.”

Chancey put down the medical book he was reading to give the question some thought and to wonder why the subject was being brought up now. He smiled understandingly when he recognized it as a distraction ploy by his Brat who was squirming uncomfortably and seeking a respite. “Yes, for a brief period of time I had another partner. Why do you want to know, Copper?”

Kaylan shrugged. “I’ve kinda been thinking about it for a while now; like I said, it mostly my curiosity getting the better of me. Who was it and what happened?”

“He was a young man I met in a small English town not too far from London. As it turned out, we weren’t best suited for each other. We mutually agreed to end our liaison a few months before I moved over here.”

“How come it didn’t work out?” Kaylan was warming to the subject, his inquisitiveness far from satisfied. “Was he a Brat like me or were you in a vanilla relationship?”

“He was a Brat and although poles apart from you, there are a few similarities. I think the main reason it was doomed from the start, lies with us having very different expectations and needs. Needs neither of us were able to meet for the other. I was unable and possibly even unwilling to be the type of Top he wanted; likewise he was not the Brat or partner I had dreamed of someday having. These things happen,” Chancey finished philosophically with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

“Can you tell me how we are alike and how we differ?”

“Well, you both are exceptionally good at your chosen occupations and you both really enjoy what you do. Tom is a first-rate auto mechanic; loves tinkering and getting his hands dirty. You both prefer the proactive part of your jobs and try to avoid the paperwork end of things. Neither of you had been in a discipline relationship before. Oh, and both of you are inclined to speed.” Chancey looked pointedly at his Brat who smirked back at him.

“You know I don’t speed as much as I once did, Chancey. I was really bad when I was younger.” Kaylan turned serious. “Part of the reason for my slowing down some is that during my rookie year, an older cop who I had become good friends with died as a result of speeding. He was in a car-chase, hit some black ice and careened onto the other side of the road and right into an oncoming eighteen-wheeler. He was killed instantly; left behind a wife and young son.”

“That is a hard way to learn a lesson, love,” Chancey murmured sympathetically.

“Well, between that and having a Top who really knows how to handle a paddle, I’m getting better at steering clear of that particular habit. Of course I still forget now and again,” Kaylan admitted and had the good grace to blush.

“I only expect you to be trying, babe. I don’t expect you to be perfect.”

“So how are Tom and me different?” Kaylan prodded.

“Well, you’ve got black hair, Tom is blonde; you have pale blue eyes, Tom has darker blue ones,” Chancey chuckled at his partner’s forced sigh of frustration.

“Come on, Chancey, that’s not what I mean and you know it,” Kaylan pouted and sat back with his arms crossed.

“Okay,” the older man relented and signalled with a beckoning finger for his lover to come closer.

Kaylan didn’t have to be asked twice. More than willing to get his butt off the hard chair, he quickly shuffled around the table and gingerly sat down on his husband’s lap. Chancey parted his legs so the only thing rubbing against the younger man’s tender bottom was the soft sweatpants he was wearing.

“You and I are happy allowing each other to be who we are. Our expectations are more in line with what the other wants. I’m a nurturer and you like to be nurtured. A big plus is you like to be cuddled just about anytime, anywhere.” Chancey proved his point by wrapping his arms around his partner and firmly hugging him. “Your beliefs and actions in regards to being as up front as you can possibly be without going out of your way to hurt someone’s feelings; are pretty much similar to mine. Not that Tom would deliberately hurt people; he just had slightly different ideas as to whether or not it was acceptable to use obfuscation as a shield of sorts. I imagine some folks would consider this disparity as something to simply overcome, but such was not the case. I also strongly believe Tom and I may have rushed into a relationship, thinking we were in love when in reality we were only physically attracted to each other.”

“Ah-ha, that explains why it took you so long to form a partnership with me and then get married,” Kaylan contemplated out loud. “Guess you didn’t fancy making the same mistake a second time, huh?”

“Hmm, looks like taking my time paid off and I really hope Tom finds someone who makes him as happy as you make me,” Chancey sincerely commented as he lovingly kissed the man in his arms. “Now, I think you’ve had enough of a break and need to get back to writing your lines, Copper.”

“I hate writing lines,” Kaylan whined, pressing his face into the comfortable place where Chancey’s neck and shoulder met. “‘Besides, you already spanked me.”

“And what were the punishments for, sweetheart?” Chancey softly inquired.

“For not answering the phone in a proper manner,” he muttered. Glancing up and seeing his Top’s raised eyebrow, he quickly added. “Picking up the receiver, shouting ‘Fuck the hell off!’ and hanging up is unacceptable; even more so when it is your husband’s Mother calling long distance.” Kaylan groaned out his embarrassment at the memory of doing just that to Dr. Jennifer Kendall.

“You’ve apologized, love and fortunately, I was able to smooth things over with my mother,” Chancey gently reminded his Brat. “Not that answering in that way would have been anymore acceptable had it been someone else.”

“I thought it was that guy trying to sell me a water-softener for the third time today. He was this close, Chancey,” Kaylan held his finger and thumb half an inch apart, “to convincing me to buy one. And I bet you really would have been pissed had I given in to the pressure.”

“That would be so only because we already have a perfectly good water-softener, Kaylan. You still should not have answered the phone in that appalling manner.”

“But I didn’t know it was your mother!”

“You should have taken the time to check the caller ID. You’re a police officer, Kaylan. Where were your investigative skills?” Chancey smiled at the exaggerated eye-rolling. “Oh well, precious Brat of mine, it’s all been taken care of with the exception of those lines you have to finish before bedtime, but I guess they can wait until after supper if you like.”

Kaylan released a deep contented sigh and nestled closer. “I love you, Chancey. I hope you know that you are exactly what I want and need in a husband, lover and Top. I would never find anyone better to fill your shoes.” He lifted his head and passionately kissed the older man’s lips, intent on making the kiss go on as long as possible.

“I love you too, Baby. You are all I ever dreamed for.” Chancey whispered once his Brat let him up for air. “You were definitely worth moving almost halfway around the world for, my beloved. I could want for no one else.”

The End

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